Cutout Cabinet Pulls: Features, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Cutout cabinet pulls are made by ‘‘cutting out’’ a particular part used as the surface of the pulls. So, in terms of appearance, they are aesthetic and practical holes that act like pulls and knobs without the unnecessary space occupied by the typical kitchen hardware.

Features Of Cutout Cabinet Pulls 

Type, size, cost, material, flexibility, and edge treatment are some of the important features of cutout cabinet pulls. These different characteristics can help you when you choose them for your kitchen. 

1. Type

There are two types of cutout cabinet pulls that you can select for your cabinetry. The first one is the ‘‘circular cutouts,’’ also known as ‘‘mouse holes.’’ As the name suggests, this type has a round shape that creates a touch of simplicity and modernity in your kitchen.

The alternative shape is the ‘‘U-shape’’ also known as ‘‘Extended U-shape.’’ You can think of the appearance of this style as a shortened level, as if it is plain, that acts like a pull. 

U Shaped Cutout Cabinet Pulls - CabinetLand

2. Size

For the circular cutout cabinet pulls, the size should be as big as two thumbs for ease of usage, and also it should not be too big for you to see what is inside. The consensus for the size of the circular cutout pulls is 1 ¼ inches in diameter for the best look and practicality.

Although about 3 to 6 inches from the middle is the ideal length for the ‘‘U-shape’’ type, for ‘‘Extended U-shape’’ or the ‘‘U-shape’’ type of cutout pulls, the size depends on the length of your cabinetry, 

3. Cost

Cutout cabinet pulls, in terms of cost, are not cheaper than the stock hardware. They are more expensive than them due to being in the category of ‘‘custom-made hardware.’’ This is because of the extra labor cutout pulls require and, depending on the quality of the labor, installing a stock cabinet pull is cheaper than a cutout pull.

4. Material

The best material for these cutout cabinet pulls is Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF.) MDF is the most optional choice for the cutout pulls because it enables them to look as natural as they can be once the cut is made, sanded, and sealed.

5. Cover-Up (Flexibility)

You can cover cutout cabinet pulls up when you want to remove them. There are a couple of ways to do this, though; the first is replacing the cabinetry. The second and more convenient one is making them look like personal touches to your cabinetry by selecting a stock cabinet pull while the cutout pulls remain intact. In this way, not only do you return to the stock hardware, but you also create aesthetic touches to your cabinetry.

6. Edge Treatment

In most cases, you will want to put in some covering for the surface of the cutout cabinet pulls. This is primarily to prevent injuries from splinters or sharp edges as well as warping of the material. MDF, an engineered wood, is particularly prone to the latter when the raw surface is exposed to the elements.

The most common way to treat the edges of the cabinet cutouts is with edge banding, which can be self-adhesive laminate or metal strips. You can also simply smooth and seal the exposed wood with varnish or paint. Some people prefer the wood exposed, so you may use a clear coating.

Cutout Cabinet Pulls in a Kitchen - CabinetLand


Pros and Cons Of Cutout Cabinet Pulls

Every hardware has pros and cons that you should consider before selecting one. We have listed here some aspects of cutout cabinet pulls:


  • They are perfect for tight spaces or areas many people frequently use. So there is zero chance these pulls will snag on your clothes.
  • To get the best minimalistic approach for your room, you can eliminate any unnecessary visual interruptions that can harm the aura you want to create by opting for these pulls.
  • Cutout cabinet pulls can be used in more than one room style, traditional or modern, since they are very easy to blend with other room components, especially in color.


  • They are not for tight budgets as they are more expensive than the typical hardware due to the labor cost they require.
  • Also, due to tiny holes, they are more suitable for tiny or thin fingers. 
  • You cannot easily swap them out like hardware in the long run. To get rid of them, you can either cover them up, which creates additional costs, or you can have both hardware and cutout pulls. Which, of course, will create disharmony between the hardware and the cutout cabinet pulls. 

How To Use Cutout Cabinet Pulls In Your House Décor 

Cutout pulls can also be used in various rooms in your house due to being practical and aesthetic alternatives to other types of pulls and knobs. For example, since there is no additional physical appearance of the hardware sticking out with the cutout pulls, they are perfect complementary bathroom or kitchen cabinetry components with clean lines. 

If you are opting to make your house look modern, cutout pulls are one of the ways through which you can achieve it. Because the minimalistic approach these drawers add to the room is a must for your desired modern atmosphere. Apart from kitchen and bathroom use, you can have them as drawer pulls in your private desk or any place requiring pulls and knobs.

To Sum Up

Cutout cabinet and drawer pulls are an interesting and classy design statement with functional advantages. However, they are not for all kitchens: They fit particularly well for small, modern kitchens with medium-density fiberboard (MDF) cabinets and drawers. And cutout cabinet pulls are an excellent way to upgrade old-style kitchens.